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Thai Massage Course – level 1

It consists of 30 hours, in which we will give:

  • Introduction of the origin of the massage
  • The 6 points and one that characterize Thai massage
  • The sequences in supine cube (frontal)
  • Part of the sequences in sitting position
  • The 9 keys to consider before and during the
  • Thai massage
  • The postural education of the masseuse.
  • The breathing
  • Sen lines
  • Dr. Shivago’s mantra
  • Energy points of feet, hands and head
  • Sen lines (energy lines) of lower and upper extremities

It is a 96% practical course and its price is € 500.

At the end of the day, the student will be able to give a two-hour massage, in which, despite being frontal, he will also stretch and unload the back of his receiver.


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